
How much does piano tuning cost?


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Piano Tuning 


+ Tax

Pianos tuned Within the last 2 years

Standard Piano Tuning

Pianos that have dropped In pitch of more then 10¢ since the last tuning may be rounded up to a pitch raise tuning to account for additional time, effort, and consideration 

Pitch Raise Tuning 


+ Tax

Pianos last tuned between 2-6 years 

Includes 2 piano tunings in 1 Sitting to Ensure Tuning Stability

Pianos that have dropped drastically by 50¢ or more since the last tuning may be rounded up to an extreme pitch raise to account for additional time, effort, and consideration

Extreme Pitch Raise tuning


+ Tax

Pianos not tuned in over 6 years

Includes 3 piano tunings in 1 sitting to ensure tuning stability

Applicable for pianos over 50¢ flat, Challenging Pianos with String Rust, Pin Block Issues, or Other Complications

Master Tuning



+ Tax

Concert Level Piano Tuning and Servicing

Our luxury package for our most discerning clients

• Full Concert Level Tuning

• Tightening of loose screws

• Seating Strings to bridge (for increased stability)

• Keybright™ Treatment

• Show-room style hand cloth cleaning and polish

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Repairs are $75 per half hour. Most common piano repairs can be resolved within a half hour. Call 647-206-7563 more information.

How much does a piano tuning cost? It depends on whether your piano requires a standard piano tuning, a pitch raise piano tuning, or an extreme pitch raise tuning.

Standard piano tuning, a pitch raise piano tuning and extreme pitch raise tunings are three different approaches to adjusting the pitch of a piano depending on the needs of each instrument. Here’s an explanation of each:

  1. Standard Piano Tuning: A standard piano tuning is for pianos that have been serviced within the last 2 years. Standard piano tuning involves adjusting the tension of the piano’s strings to ensure that they produce the correct pitch. The goal is to bring each string to the proper tension so that when the corresponding key is struck, it produces the intended musical note.

    Over time, due to factors such as changes in temperature, humidity, and string elasticity, a piano’s strings can go out of tune. During a standard tuning, the technician brings the piano back to its optimal pitch by adjusting the tension of the strings, usually following a specific tuning system such as equal temperament.

  2. Pitch Raise Piano Tuning: A pitch raise piano tuning is performed when the piano’s strings have gone significantly flat, usually due to neglect or a long period without tuning (over 2 years). In such cases, the strings may have lost a substantial amount of tension and have dropped below the desired pitch range.

    A pitch raise tuning involves raising the overall pitch of the piano in multiple stages. The technician starts by bringing the strings up to a higher tension than the desired pitch. This initial raise is done carefully to avoid putting excessive stress on the piano’s structure. Once the initial raise is completed, the technician performs a standard tuning to fine-tune each string to the correct pitch.

    Pitch raise tunings require additional time and effort compared to standard tunings because the technician needs to compensate for the significant pitch drop. They are often necessary when a piano has been left untuned for a long time or when the pitch deviation is substantial.

  3. Extreme pitch raise tuning: Extreme pitch raise tunings are required for pianos that have not been tuned in over 6 years or the pitch has dropped so flat that it requires even more time, effort, care and consideration then a regular pitch raise. In an effort to reduce the chances of a broken string, or other potential damage, an extreme pitch raise requires several tuning passes to ensure tuning stability.

It’s important to note that piano tuning should only be performed by an experienced piano technician, as improper execution can potentially damage the piano. If you suspect that your piano requires a piano tuning, it’s best to book us for an accurate assessment and appropriate action for your cherished instrument.

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